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  • Lifecoach ministry

Successful Habits

There is no point at which you can say, well, I'm successful now so I might as take a nap 

-Carrie Fisher 

Here are some examples of strategies that you can use to start to build a better life.

  •  Wake up earlier 

  • Get your routines set in stone.

  • Plan your day the night before . 

  • Always tell your kids to have a good day when they leave for school.

  • Always make your bed.

  •  Become really good at one thing.

  • Set one major goal a week to accomplish, if nothing else.

  • Plan your meals in advance .

  • Meal prep two days a week if possible.

  • Always list The things you are grateful for.

  • Appreciate the little things.

  • Help at least one person out as you go about your day. Open doors, help someone across the street Ect.

  • Say how can I?, instead of I can't . 

  • Compliment at least 1 person per day.

  • Take The time to be present in most situations. 

  • Make time For your children or if you don't have any children make sure to take some time for someone else's, because keep in mind that not everyone is paying attention to their kiddos. Kids need to feel special in order to thrive . 

  • Take at least one hour a week to rejuvenate. This doesn't have to cost money. It can be a walk in the park or sit on a bench and read . Just smelling the fresh air can be a treat . 

  • Go that extra mile once a week for your boss or if you work for yourself do it for you.

  • When setting goals find an accountability partner.When you do it for someone else you're more likely to get it done.

  • Do something you love, after all that is the meaning of life.

  • Always be yourself, your original and people don't like fake

  • Stay confident or find a way to get there. There are so many YouTube videos on the subject.

  • Learned that you can't do everything yourself and that delegating tasks out is a healthy thing to do.

  • Make time to read on the topics you want to get better at or master.

  • Keep pursuing what inspires you to be a better person.

  • Find a mentor that will push you. This can be parents, teachers, friends, etc. There are even lifecoaches that are available online.

  • Write a - to get-  list on days especially when you have a lot on your mind and a lot going on.

  • Avoid time wasters.. such as Facebook, Instagram, email, etc. These social media sites and email can consume so much of a person's day and need to be limited to a set amount every day.

  • Don't just invest your time into anything, choose wisely, time is precious and you can't get it back.

  •  Allow your passions to motivate you.

  • If your income allows it, have your credit card debt put into payment plans like an automatic payment plan so you don't have to pay late fees. Also if you can, have as  . many of your regular bills put into payment plans as well. This alone creates less stress on you every month.

  •  Create clear, measurable goals.

  • Create a vision board.

  • Learn a few affirmations to repeat daily.

  • Don't let your feelings decide. You decide what you're going to do daily.

  • Be consistent in what you do daily. It helps you perfect things and gain confidence.

  • Learn to accept failure. It happens. It's just a part of life and you can always try again or retweak  and make it better the next time.

  • Plant seeds (tithe ) tithing helps because you always receive more than you give.

  • Never be the smartest person in the room. When you have the opportunity to learn, you grow.

  • KNOW the more mistakes you make, the more you learn from them.

  • Stop and smell the roses. When you are in a rush all the time you missed out on so much. So stop…

  •  Always follow up with people when you sell them something. It does build trust.

  •  And finally, get enough sleep, the average person need 7 to 9 hours a night to be healthy.

  •  Oh and practice good hygiene nobody wants to be around someone stinky ..

  • And most importantly- You got this beautiful!

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